- John Doessel (CW)
- Sangbum Kim (AD)
- Won J. You (UX)
My Role
- Experience Design
- Interaction Design
- UX Strategy
Creating a Site that Moves as Fast as the Sportscar Itself
The goal of the campaign was to create a sense of urgency to drive consideration and purchase intent for the 911 and 718 sports car models.
The website would be the go-to destination for all online media and would serve as a dedicated content hub for campaign films and specs for the featured models.
The Audience
Aspiring Sporty Car Drivers
The target audience is affluent, but not ultra rich, so bang for the buck matters to them.
- There is a trigger that allowed them to finally rationalize the purchase such as a seasonal bonus or financial windfall.
- Many come for the 911 and ultimately purchase a 718 due to a test drive or lower price point

Social Program
Sharing the Thrill of Owning a Porsche
As part of the campaign, a series of films captured the real-life excitement of first-time Porsche owners fulfilling their dreams.
The campaign then invited other Porsche owners to share their first-time moments through social media and tag it. All tagged content was aggregated on the microsite.
Website Strategy
Reducing User Friction
One of the key insights that drove the experience design was the observation from past campaigns that the majority of visitors were coming to the site from mobile.
That meant the website experience needed to be optimized for mobile first. To ensure easy navigation on mobile, we employed horizontal navigation to allow users to easily swipe and move between models and their variants.
A further key challenge was to ensure this rich experience would load fast across devices while still serving some heavy media content.

UX Artifacts
During the course of this project, I created sitemaps, wireframes, rapid prototypes, and annotations for the site to improve the development hand-off.